Information can be static or dynamic. As far as the first few are concerned, there are several images/videos/information that will be altered sequentially and uninterruptedly according to one or more playlists defined by the system administrator in BackOffice. On the contrary, the dynamic information is information made available in real time (next stop, news via RSS, etc.). The management and parameterization of the views are defined through a BackOffice software (Web interface) and installed on a server in AMI-TT.
The images/videos that are displayed can be changed, as well as the time period in which they are available and how often (playlist) can be set. This applies, for example, to the advertising of an event. When the event is over there is no interest in continuing to advertise it. In this way, from a certain date, the advertising to the event ceases to pass on the monitor.
The contents can be incorporated through a USB, GPRS/3g or WiFi PEN. The DATACAR MMIV system can be connected to the audio system of the bus itself, allowing to emit sound messages warning the proximity of a stop or other event. Therefore, each time the indication button is pressed to the driver that must stop, or the GPS signal has the presence of a stop, an audio file of the type “. mp3” is sounded, which reproduces the name of the approaching stop.